How to use a Coupon on Teleflora
Besides flowers, Teleflora also offers a wide range of gifts and services. Follow the tutorial below to answer the question “How Do I Use a Coupon on Teleflora?”
How Do I Use a Coupon on Teleflora?
Step 1
Add an item to your cart
Step 2
Enter your code and tap Apply
Teleflora coupons are entered during payment. Once inside the ‘Shopping Cart’ a box is visible next the merchandise total. Enter the code, and tap the ‘Apply’ button.
About Teleflora
Founded in 1934, Teleflora began as Telegraph Delivery Service. The Resnick family bought it in 1979, shifting focus online. Based in Los Angeles, it now excels in digital operations. The website lists flowers for allergy sufferers, ensuring comfort. All arrangements are hand-delivered, maintaining freshness. Ordering is easy and flexible, ideal for gifts. Customers can add personal touches with gift add-ons. Moreover, Teleflora connects with local florists, ensuring timely, fresh deliveries for any occasion.